Accounting & Auditing

Fiscal Year: 2016

Chair: Kara Moore

Liason: Kara Moore

OBJECTIVES: To assist and enable Alaska CPAs to maintain and improve the quality, competency, and practical application of performing attest services in the state by providing a forum to discuss existing and proposed attest standards and generally accepted accounting principles.


1. To inform the members of the Alaska Society of CPAs as to how to achieve answers to their technical accounting and auditing questions.

(a) Make certain that the Society members are aware of the Technical Assistance Hotline maintained by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The calls made to the hotline are toll free.

(b) Questions are first referred by the Societys office to the AICPA Technical Hotline, as discussed above. In addition, Committee members will serve to take questions from members of the Alaska Society concerning audit and accounting issues.

2. To inform the members of the Alaska Society of CPAs as to the effective dates and key provisions of any new audit and accounting pronouncements. This task is performed mainly by preparation of an article to be included in the Societys newsletter on a bi-monthly basis.

3. To encourage Society members to respond to exposure drafts issued on audit and accounting matters.

4. Monitor a subcommittee on quality review.

(a) Make certain that the agreement entered into with the contracted entity for the administration of peer reviews in Alaska is being complied with and is operating smoothly for the benefit of the Alaska Society members.