The accounting profession in Alaska is represented on the legislative front by grassroots volunteers on state and national level. Alaska Society of CPA members, who know his or her state representatives or senators can best inform legislators of the issues facing the profession. Advocacy on behalf of member CPAs is an important aspect of AKCPA membership.
For a list of legislators please contact the Alaska State Legislature. To apply for the AKCPA Key Person Program please download the application.

AKCPA Key Person Program
Do you know your federal or state legislators–even casually? Your relationship with your legislator can make a difference in ensuring a bright future for the profession and protecting the public interest. Sign up today to participate in the Key Person Program.
The Key Person Program is an important tool used by the legislative committee to improve relations with local legislator and to develop a grassroots involvement. If you know any legislator as a personal friend, acquaintance or contributor and are willing to serve as a key person contact, please complete the form and return it to the Society office.
AKCPA Key Person Program Application.
For More information contact The Alaska State Legislature.
AKCPA Legislative/Political Action Committee
The mission of the Political Action Committee is to become a strong single voice for CPA’s in Alaska. In order to be successful in our efforts we need YOU to participate.
You can participate financially with an annual donation to the PAC. You can also participate actively by volunteering your time to help us work with the local legislators in your community as we provide information and educational materials to help promote understanding of CPA impacted legislation.
Make a Contribution
Help advance the profession by making a contribution to the AKCPA/Political Action Committee. Please join with us in creating that strong single voice that helps bring clarity and focus to legislative issues impacting our profession. Remember all donations can only be received from individuals (personal checks only). Corporate and other business entity contributors are prohibited. Make checks payable to Alaska Society of CPAs Political Action Committee. (AKCPA/PAC)
AKCPA Appointments to AICPA Council

Find out how the AKCPA represents Alaska CPAs' professional interests nationally by participation in the AICPA Council, the governing body of the national organization.
The AICPA Council is the governing body of the American Institute of CPAs. The AICPA Board of Directors reports to the Council and acts as the Executive Committee of the Council. State CPA societies may appoint council members from among their leadership. Click here for more information on the AICPA Council, Board of Directors, and AICPA Operations.
State Council appointees must be AICPA members. They attend national and regional Council meetings, representing the profession within their state, as well as the views and best interests of their individual state members. The current president of the Alaska Society of CPAs serves a one year term as the designated member of council and the Board of Directors appoints an elected member of council for a three year term. Alaska members of council are:
Term | Name | Contact Information |
2016-2018 Expires October 2018 |
John Rodgers, CPA Laughlin, Ogle & Rodgers LLC Elected Member |
605 West Tudor Rd. Anchorage, AK 99503 907 563-5270 |
2015-2016 Expires October 2016 |
Joshua McIntyre, President Great Bear Petroleum |
601 W. 5th Ave., Ste. 505 Anchorage, AK 99501 P. 907 868-8070 F. 907 891-9700 |